Jay County Fair Presents
Primetime carnival company
The Fair Board is excited to have PrimeTime Carnival Company returning for the Jay County Fair!
From the excitement of arriving at the Primetime Carnival Company midway and catching the first glimpse of our exciting rides and smelling freshly spun cotton candy, to your last few moments on the midway when your turn green from riding one-to-many rides at the end of the night, we leave you with a memorable trip to the fair!
Our goal is to provide the most fun that any human, extra-terrestrial, or imaginary friend could ever have at the carnival, all whilst doing so with smiling faces. We have over 50+ years of combined experience in helping make magical moments come true.
Rider safety is our single top priority. Our expert mechanics, electricians, and supervisors ensure our attractions are always running in tip-top shape and safe for the public to ride. They are around night and day - keeping you safe while on our midway.
Tues, July 9 - Kid's Day: 12PM - 5PM ($25 Armband) / 5PM - Close ($25 Armband)
Wed, July 10 - Fri, July 11: 5PM - Close ($25 Armband)
Sat, July 11: 12PM - Close ($30 Armband)
They are $20 presale in the office prior to the fair. During Fair they are $25 during the week and $30 on weekends.